Each year the Editorial Committee will choose one approximately 100 page monograph to be published with the December issue of The Coleopterists Bulletin. Selection of the winning monograph is highly competitive, and the lucky winner gets their study published for free by the Society, thanks to a generous donation by Patricia Vaurie. Please note that this does not include color plates* or reprints: those will be billed separately to the author.
*Special offer for the 2024 monograph: up to 100 color plates at no charge!
Submissions must be made as email attachment(s) to the Monograph Review Editor by March 1 by authors who are fully paid members of the Society (no exceptions). By April 1, the Monograph Review Editor will announce the decision and inform all who made submissions. Please note the following submission changes:
Text should be sent as any of the following: Microsoft Word, RTF (Rich Text Format) or Word Perfect. For review purposes, all figures should be submitted together as a separate PDF. Authors may indicate in the text their preferred placement of figures, but in the final copy this will be decided by the editor and staff at our printer.
After April 1, once the winner is announced, the monograph will be submitted for additional technical review to be complete by July 1 and returned to the author. The author must submit the final copy, with high resolution TIFF plates, to the Monograph Review Editor by August 15 to meet the December mailing date.
General formatting guidelines are the same as regular articles in The Coleopterists Bulletin. Authors must review these Manuscript Guidelines prior to submitting their research results for consideration.
Please send your submissions to Joe McHugh mchugh.jv@gmail.com
Good luck!
Matthew Gimmel, Managing Editor