The II Encontro de Coleoptera (Coleoptera Meeting) is an opportunity for the exchange of ideas among the coleopterological community, as well as a space for us to establish and strengthen working and friendship relationships.
An epilogue summarizing the meeting is available on our website:
The book of abstracts can be cited and accessed as follows:
SALAZAR, K., GIRÓN, J.C., ARAÚJO, J.F., COSTA-SILVA, V., DE MELLO, A.P., DOS SANTOS, A.T., GOMYDE, E.C., MARTINS, G.L.N., PACHECO, T.L. (Eds.). Abstracts II Encontro de Coleoptera (Coleoptera Meeting), 2023. 181 pp. zenodo.8267337
More information at: encontrodecoleoptera/home
The Encontro de Coleoptera was planned, organized, and executed independently by volunteers
from Brazil and Colombia and sponsored by The Coleopterists Society.