II Encontro de Coleoptera 2023
II Encontro de Coleoptera 2023. Online and free event. July 24th to 28th.

The II Encontro de Coleoptera (Coleoptera Meeting) is an opportunity for the exchange of ideas among the coleopterological community, as well as a space for us to establish and strengthen working and friendship relationships.

An epilogue summarizing the meeting is available on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/encontrodecoleoptera/epilogue

The book of abstracts can be cited and accessed as follows:
SALAZAR, K., GIRÓN, J.C., ARAÚJO, J.F., COSTA-SILVA, V., DE MELLO, A.P., DOS SANTOS, A.T., GOMYDE, E.C., MARTINS, G.L.N., PACHECO, T.L. (Eds.). Abstracts II Encontro de Coleoptera (Coleoptera Meeting), 2023. 181 pp. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8267337


The Encontro de Coleoptera was planned, organized, and executed independently by volunteers
from Brazil and Colombia and sponsored by The Coleopterists Society.